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Ear Coning
By Appointment Only

Ear coning or candling is an easy, relaxing and clearing procedure and also can be used as a preventive therapy. Through the centuries different civilizations such as the Egyptians, Myans, Tebetans, Chinese, and Native American Indians used this healing technique
How it works is heat and low pressure work together to create a vacuum that stemulates blood circulation and lymph circulation to help activate cleansing of the system. Regulation of sinus pressure is immediately noticable. Ear wax deposits and impurities end up condensed in the candle.
Candida or yeast in the ears can cause allergies; itching inside the ear; symptoms of arthritis in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, and feelings of numbness in these areas. Yeast and parasites also cause symptoms of hypoglycemia, diabetes, heart problems, emotional instability, enzyme function impairment, hyperactivity, learning and thinking disabilities. All these symptoms can be broken up as a result of the spiraling smoke, and the vacuum of a burning cone.

Ear Coning may help:
  • Ear aches
  • Allergies
  • Assists with post nasal drip
  • Sore throat
  • Sinus irritation
  • Lymph cleansing
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Restoration of equilibrium and vertigo
  • Tinnitus
  • Focus problems
  • Hyperactivity
  • Meniere's Syndrome
  • Sress
  • Swimmers ear
  • Blocked ear canal
  • Removal of excessive ear wax
  • Lymphatic system cleansing
Improves mental function, vision, hearing, taste, smell, and color perception.
At Harmony Bodyworks we have researched several methods of ear coning and have found one we feel works best. This method takes a little longer but seems to cut down on number of appointments needed. Usually only one session is needed because of our effective method of treatment.
Call   Harmony Bodyworks  for your appointment today.!

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